Key Features

Key Features #

Vulnerability Information Feed

Provides vulnerability information from VD and CISA. This ensures that security professionals and system administrators always have access to the latest security information.

Detailed information

Each vulnerability information includes CVE ID, release date, update date, description, CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System), CWE (Common Weakness Enumeration), CPE (Common Platform Enumeration) and other comprehensive information.

KEV Information

VulnWatch also provides information from the Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog (KEV). This allows you to quickly determine if an attack is known or not.

Attack Code Availability

Check to see if attack code is publicly available. This allows you to accurately assess the severity of the vulnerability.

Reference Links

Each vulnerability information also provides associated reference links for easy access to more detailed information.

Customized Search

VulnWatch allows customized searches for vulnerability information using the following parameters

Release Date: Search for vulnerability information within a specific date range.

CVSS Base Score: Narrow down the vulnerability information above or below a specific CVSS base score.

Attack Vector: Search for specific information based on attack vectors.

Is the information listed in KEV: Only information that is listed in KEV will be displayed.

Attack Code Availability: Displays only information where the attack code is publicly available.

EPSS Score: filters information based on the EPSS score, which indicates the probability that a security vulnerability will be used outdoors within the next 30 days.